Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Self discipline vs willpower vs ...

I think quite a bit.

And I try to think about places in my life where i can grow. And I found one (well more than one but...)

One such a place is selfdiscipline.

I read an article yesterday on it that said many people say "I don't have willpower. And accordingly I cant get things done."

Last night I discussed the difference between selfdiscipline and willpower.

Self-discipline in my opinion is: When you do stuff you don't like. (Like washing the dishes; stuff that has to be done but which is generally not good.) Essentially selfdiscipline is overcoming laziness.

Main Entry: self-dis·ci·pline
Pronunciation: -'di-s&-pl&n
Function: noun
: correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement

Willpower on the other hand is: Doing stuff that you fear. (Like asking your boss for a raise --- these things will differ from person to person. For some people it will be to talk before a crowd, others jumping from an aeroplane). Willpower is overcoming fears.

Main Entry: will·pow·er
Pronunciation: 'wil-"pau(-&)r
Function: noun
: energetic determination

The terms are related. In the book "the way of the superior man" by David Deida, he says that the superior man faces his fears but does not violate them. So you need to acknowledge your fears and respect them. Look them in the eye as it were. Don't go trampling over them as if they did not exist, for then you are not truly conquering them -- you are merely dismissing them. And do not quiver at the sight of them, because then there is no growth.

As far as self-discipline goes. I think having an accountability partner helps. Being totally honest and open. Telling him* what your fears are, how you are faring in facing them. Telling him what where you think you need improvement. And he needs to be someone who does not fear you, who can tell you straight up when you are fooling yourself.

*"Him" and "he", can also be "her" and "she", obviously.

But I think that the thing that most people need is God's-Willpower. The power to give over to God, that he will provide you with willpower to do His will.

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