Thursday, July 12, 2007

Facebook and the more...

So, the facebook bug bit me...

I have a profile. A lot of random people calls me FRIEND now...

Three People I call friends, I cannot locate.

1. Paul Storm. He helped me through my 3rd year acedemically.
2. Taetse Vorster. My roommate in second year.
3. Hilton Bastick. He helped me fail my first second year :)


Unknown said...

Well he located you!!!

Wat gaan aan mnr. Dit het my virewig gevat om my graad te kry? :D

Sorrie ek is bietjie besig gewees die laaste jaar met girlfriend en al die dinge. Lyk my almal wat uit of na suid afrika toe vlieg het die luggage probleem - julle sal maar kaalgat moet trip van nou af! HAHA...

Unknown said...

Great... maar email my by Kestell at gmail dot com