Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Psalm 119


The longest chapter in the bible.

It consists of 22 stanza's that in the hebrew each started with a different letter. Each stanza is 8 verses long. (176 verses) Each verse in each stanza starts with the same letter.

1 A
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 A
7 A
8 A

9-16 B


And most of it is about the word of God, or the bible.

I am now reading it stanza by stanza (8 verses at a time). And I will try to memorize the whole psalm... (eek, now I put that in writing...)

Here is the first stanza, as I remember it in afrikaans. (I'm struggling to remember it all, but this is all part of the process... ok... darn, I had to look it up)

Psalm 119:1-8

1 Dit gaan goed met die wat onberispelik lewe, die wat wandel volgens sy woord.
2 Dit gaan goed met die wat sy verordeninge onderhou, die wat met hulle hele hart sy wil doen,
3 geen onreg pleeg nie en in sy wee wandel.
4 U het u bevele gegee dat dit ten volle uitgevoer moet word.
5 As ek maar net op 'n vaste koers kon bly en my aan u voorskrifte kan hou!
6 As ek al U gebooie in ag neem, sal ek nooit raad-op wees nie.
7 U bepalings is regverdig, as ek dit ter harte neem, sal ek U loof met 'n opregte hart.
8 Ek sal U verordeninge onderhou; Moet my tog nooit verlaat nie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Each verse pertains to the Word of God in some way.

In each verse

1. "Woord" - Word, God's Law
2. "Verordening" - Decree
3. "Wee" - Ways
4. "Bevele" - Orders
5. "Voorskrifte" - Prescription
6. "Gebooie" - Commandments
7. "Bepalings" - ??, Statute...
8. "Verordening" - Decree again.

I read the english version. And they also vary the words. Presumably the original Hebrew also vary the words.

The english version uses: decree x2 ,ways , statutes, Laws x2, precepts, commands

So essentially I just need to remember the 8 words and how they are used.