Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'll be the judge

Ok, it had to happen eventually.

I am a magic: the gathering (to know more, this is their official website) judge. Level 2. This basically means I am an 'area' judge, which is more than a 'local' judge (level 1), although I have not done the last PTQ (pro tour qualifier). I organise events and be there for rules queries and penalties. I love the logic involved in the game. Intrigueing and complex interactions between cards.

I'm excited about the new set Dissension that is coming out this saturday... Well, actually the prerelease event is this saturday, the official release date is only later.

Many of the cards are already known (it's supposed to be a surprise, but info always leaks to the internet) and it's enough to really get people's attention.

The spoiler can be seen at


Spook said...

Those spoilers have gotten really slow since R_E went down... A pity, in my opinion.

I'm pretty out of date when it comes to judging now... I used to be a tournament organizer, and while I found that 90% of rules questions that were asked in my area were a simple matter of reading the card, that other 10% just kicked my ass.

Naturally, I'm sure the real judge tests focus more on that last ten percent.

Anonymous said...

just felt like mentioning i also read your blog