Monday, April 24, 2006

Magic over the weekend

Well this weekend was the dissension prerelease and it was loads of fun.

Friday night was FNM, and I played a UWb honden control deck. I went 2-2 (2 wins 2 losses).

Can't remember too much about the tourney... Too much happened in between.

I do remember playing against Pierre, and sideboarding, but never putting the cards into my deck. My deck was therefor, too small and I received the appropriate penalty (a game loss). I proceeded to lose game three. That was kind of dissapointing, mostly because I beat him in the friendly game 4 we played.

I also remember getting smashed by Durham's lightning quick burn/zoo deck. The other 2 matches was reasonably easy I think.

Afterwards, Tiaan, Jerall and I went to Jerall's place and played Zombies until 4:00 (Cassey pleyed along). I was glad that I did not oversleep the next morning, since I was organising the saturday event. But that was great fun. (I won the first game and the last game was so close, that any one of the other 3 could have won it. Eventually Tiaan grabbed the victory just ahead of Jerall (who needed 1 kill) and cassey (who was also less than 5 squares from the helipad).

Saturday, I am head judge of the Dissension prerelease. I got another judge that I judged with in 2004 nationals to help me. He was a little rusty, but I think I got him interested into getting more active again. Loads of interesting rulings. --- I'll make a separate post later on.

Sunday, I decided to go to play in Cape town's prerelease against my knowledge that I was overly tired and still had to work today.

But it turned out I opened a great set of cards. Difficult to decide what not to play though.

I opened wonderful Rakdos (BR) stuff.

Rakdos, the defiler
some 9/9 trampler that gets -4/-4 for each card in hand
seal of fire
galvanic arc
keening banshee

And I opened great GWu stuff.

Azorious guildmage (this is the bomb)
minister of impediments (tapper)
Faith's fetters
some 2/1 viper that puts 1/1's into play
vinelasher kudzu
2 of the 2/2 graft dudes for 1G
compulsive research
another 2/2 flyer for 2W
1/4 wall for 2W
2 Carum's
seeds of strength

My deck was just very well costed.
And I had 3 bounce lands (one of each, simic, selesnya, azorius)

My curve was about like this
2 - - - - - - - - 8
3 - - - - - - - - - 9
4 - - - - - - 6
6 - 1

Which is great, because you keep dropping good stuff on turns 2 and 3.

I eventually went 4.5/6 or 13 points. I played against the winner in the last match, and had I won that one, I would have one the event. But he overpowered me.

Still I had fun and did well.

Oh and then I evaluated Tiaan for his judge test. Obviously it is more difficult than he thought being a judge. Magic is very intricate. But I have faith in Tiaan's abilities. I think there is a different mindset though. I am intrigued by interesting and difficult interactions. It has to be FUN to judge. I enjoy judging almost as much as I do playing.

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