Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hello world...

If you have ever tried learning a computer language of any kind, you would know what the title refers to.

Hello world... world of blogging.

So far it is pretty easy; no >print "hello world" stuff :)

Soon there will be more here.

Oh, and that's me. Now I should be able to upload a URL for my photo.


Reenen said...

writeln('Hello World!');

cout << "Hello World!";

MsgBox("Hello World!");

ShowMessage("Hello World!");

System.out("Hello World!");

(My C++/C, and Java are all ready to be rectified)

Unknown said...

I think my syntax dates from good old basic. Not even gbasic or qbasic. The language of the APPLE ][. We had one waaaayyy back in the eighties.