Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bethlehem - Place of Bread


So I acted the role of a tourist in our Christmas production.

I think it was quite an interesting angle on the whole Christmas thing. Very different than the usual 3 Wise men angle.

One of the main themes throughout the play was that Bethlehem means Place of Bread and that Christ uses the metaphor of bread for his body.

The setting is a group of tourists touring modern Bethlehem accompanied by a Palestinian tour guide. Two of the tourists have in depth conversations about what the significance is of the modern walls around Bethlehem and then also the bread theme.

Bread plays a vital role in the production. Bread is a symbol of life and nourishment. That is what Jesus came to give to the earth, and what we (Christ's body) also need to do.

So Christ's body is the church, but Christ also compares His body with bread at the last supper.

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